Mystery behind Floods Havoc & Destruction in kerala is Man Made or Natural hazard
FLOOD NATURAL DISASTER OR MAN MADE DISASTER BY EXPLOITING EARTH IN UNSAFE METHOD IN KERALA & ROUTE MAPPING FLOODS LAND TO PROTECT INHABITED AREA FEOM DESTRUCTION - Flood water created a miracle hand spaced rock in Munnar river middle . the hand rises as flood water lowered considering as it is s creation of nature when Man made corona virus pandemic , bird flue had affected the entire world and the entire earth is in lockdown in corona first wave in 1999 & 2000 , corona second wave in 2021 and third wave in 2022 as omicron . Man made floods in the kerala in three or four consecutkve years had destroyed large land scape , fertile lands , populated urban land in kerala made people tp live in camps in rainy season from 2018 after many year floods in 1999 and 1914 in kerala had made kerala state more time to bring back to normal stage with every one support . but the disputes over the flood havoc is still a mystery where cause is due to natural hazards or man made like...